관사 정리 (Go on a vacation vs. Go on vacation)


Go on a vacation vs. Go on vacation

Where are you going on a vacation? 휴가 어디로 가세요?
- on vacation: (그냥) 휴가중 입니다.
- on a vacation: 휴가 여행 어디로 가세요?
- 어디로 가냐는 질문인만큼 Where are you going on a vacation? 이 적절하다.

He has gone on vacation. 그는 지금 휴가 중이에요. (그냥 회사 안나오는 걸 의미하는 휴가 중을 의미함.)
I am going on a vacation to Los Angeles this week.
I've been so exhausted. I need to take a vacation next month.
- Go on vacation: it means that you just stay away from school or work, taking a break. It doesn't matter where you are.
- Go on a vacation: it usually involves travel or trip.
- Take a vacation: it can be used for either, so not very different from the first one.

Did you have a dinner? vs. Did you have dinner?

1. How much will dinner probably cost? 저녁 식사 비용이 얼마나 들까요?
- cost를 동사로 사용할 줄 알아야함.
- 기본적으로 식사명 앞에는 관사 사용안함.
- When you use "a" before dinner, you plan an event where there will most likely be dinner. (명확한 한끼, event 같은 식사)
ex. I'm going to have a dinner (party) at the company.
