통번역 연습 220112

최근 서울 강남에 위치한 한 백화점을 방문했 습니다. 1층 에스컬레이터 앞에 가보니 ‘캐나다 구스’와 ‘몽클레어’ 패딩을 세일 가격에 구매할 수 있는 특별행사 소식 입간판이 자리하고 있 었습니다. 올 겨울 ‘핫’하게 떠오른 브랜드인 지라 ‘구경이나 한번 해볼까’하는 마음에 발길 을 돌려 1층 이벤트 행사장을 향했습니다.


1. Recently, I visited a department store located in Gangnam, Seoul. When I entered into the department store, I found an advertisement banner saying that I can get a winter jacket from Canada Goose or Moncler at a discounted price. These brands are all very hot in this season, I entered into the store to look around. 


2. Recently I visited a department store in Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea. And, right in front of the escalater on the first floor, they put up a sign advertising a sales event it read they are selling Canada Goose and Moncler jackets at a discount. Well, these two brands became very popular this winter, so I figured (thought) maybe it wouldn't hurt to just go and browse. or (I figured maybe I was going to go and check them out.) I turned around and headed it. 


표현 정리

1. 할인가격에: at a discount

- (cf) ... % 할인된 가격으로: at a . . . percent discount

- at a discounted price: 할인가에

- 가격과 관련된 표현에 at을 주로 씀. 

2. (상품을) 구경하다 : browse (cf) 자동사와 타동사 모두 사용 가능

3. 패딩 -> 틀린 영어표현이고 winter jacket 이 적당함! 

4. Moncler 몽클러~

5. 좀 더 돌아보고 올게요~ let me browse a little.  


행사장에는 다양한 점퍼가 전시돼있었습니다. 한 벌당 100만원이 훌쩍 넘는 금액이었습니다. ‘특별세일’이라는 말이 무색할 정도였습니다. 온라인 시장도 상황은 크게 다르지 않습니다. ‘한정판매’ ‘특별한정세일’과 같은 광고를 내걸 고 소비자들을 유혹하려는 온라인 쇼핑몰들이 넘쳐납니다.


1. On the event site, various jackets were displayed. Each jacket was over 1mil won even with a discounted price. Online markets are not much different. There are many online shopping malls to attract consumers with phrases like "limited sales" or "limited time special offers". 


2.  When I arrived at the event site, I saw a variety of winter jackets displayed there. So they are all priced well beyond 1 mil won per pop (per piece). I could'nt believe they were discounted prices. (Special Sales? It was ridiculous.) Things are not much different in the internet world (online retail stores/ shopping malls).

They always come up with words / Advertisements that may consumers anxious. 

They always used the phrases like "Limited Sales" "Time Offer" and something along that line (those lines) 

Those lines make them believe that they're missing out on a great deal. 


표현 정리

1. 한개당: per pop / 한벌당: per piece. 


이처럼 무시무시한 가격을 자랑하는 프리미엄 패딩이 터무니없는 과소비를 조장하고 있습니 다. ‘한정’ ‘리미티드 에디션’ ‘매진임박’ ‘특별 세일’ 등이라는 단어를 사용해 소비자에 특별 한 혜택을 주는 것 같은 광고도 언제나 함께 합니다.


1. The premium winter jackets are extremely expensive that forces consumers to do overconsumption. They are always adverised with the phrases like "limited sales" "limited time offers" that seems that they give a lot of benefits to the consumers.


2. This kind of premium jackes cause overconsumption with ridiculously overpriced product. And the advertisement with such as "special price" or "limited addition" always come together and they tend to fool the customers. 


3. These jackets are extremely expensive. So as a result, consumers end up with spending too much money buying these products. when you are trying to buy these jackets, you will see advertisements that go with " ". As a result, you believe that you are getting a good deal. 



1. cause overconsumption with their ridiculously overpriced products: with가 이렇게까지 사용될 수는 없음. 

-> These ridiculously overpriced premium jackets cause overconsumption. 

2. They always come together -> They always go together.

ex. Korean Thanksgiving and arguments between couples always go together.

3. tend to always fool consumers/customers: fool은 경우의 수가 너무 많음. 


십여 년 전 업무 차 중국 상해를 방문했던 적 이 있었습니다. 하루 일정을 마무리하고 위조 상품을 판매하고 있는 유명 짝퉁시장을 구경 삼아 가보았습니다. 그 곳에는 전자제품을 비롯하여 의류, 피혁류, 문구류, 신발 등 없는 게 없었습니다.


1. About a decade ago, I visited Shang-hai in China for a busiess trip. After a daily schedule, I went to a market which is famous for fake products. There were almost everything about counterfeit products inclduing electronic devices, clothes, and shoes, etc. 



1. 더 나은 표현: famous for selling counterfeit products 

2. 여기서 imitate는 틀린표현, copy가 더 맞음. 

3. in the market, at the market 둘 다 okay

4. from A to B to C to D to E: to를 각각 다 써줘야됨. 

5. 더 나은 표현: They had everything you can possibly imagine. / They had everything: A, B, C, the list keeps going. / They had everything: A, B, C, you name it. 

6. etc. : et cetera의 abbreviation. cf) bldg. / govt. / Mr. / etc.

- 약어이기 때문에 period 붙여서 사용

- 등위접속사와 함께 쓰지 않음 (A, B, C and etc. (x) -> A, B, C, etc. (0))


그 중에는 우리나라와 해외 유명 기업의 로고 와 상표를 도용한 중국산 위조 상품들이 많았 던 것으로 기억납니다. 당시 특허, 상표 등 지식재산 관련 업무에 종 사하는 공무원 신분이었던 저로서는 기분이 썩 좋지만은 않았습니다.


1. I remember that chinese counterfeit products copy Korean and World's famous brands logos and trademarks. At that time, I was a government worker specifically dealing with intellectual property such as patents and trademarks, so I felt uncomfortable with that situation. 



1. I remember logos stealing popular logos in Korea. 

2. I was working in the field of intellectual property. 

3. 특허: patent 발음 -> 패턴트, 패이턴트 둘 다 okay
